Our Motivation

My love for dogs has been there since childhood. Once that love has been established, it never leaves us. Having had the joy of both puppies and re-homing abused dogs, my love for the canine species grows ever stronger.

My husband and I recently adopted a two-year-old Husky. After just a week, I was looking through the internet for a second new family member. Initially, I wanted a puppy. But the more I looked, the more I noticed just how many advertisements there were for older dogs needing to be re-homed. I looked at my husband and said, "I just want them all!" As you can imagine, with all the love in the world, he quite rightly pointed out that this would be impossible. I read out to him some of the advertisements. So many were claiming they either had too little time, or could not handle the behavior of their dog anymore. So this got me to thinking, "if I can't adopt them all, what CAN I do?" I can use my knowledge, energy and experience to help owners who have reached that point. More than that, I can help them BEFORE they reach the point of thinking they should re-home their beloved dog.

So here we are. After much research, practice and success, I want to share my experience with you! Together, we can help each of our beautiful canine friends to find and stay in their family. Dogs are loyal, pack animals that offer their trust in return for our own. Let's give them what they deserve!