For Peaceful Dinners:

For dogs that jump up when food is around! Prepare your dogs's dinner on a raised surface. Also prepare a small snack for yourself (biscuit or cracker will do). With the dog watching (but do not look at the dog), eat your snack, making it look as though it came from his bowl. Stand at the bowl until the dog sits or lies down. Then try to put the bowl on the floor. If the dog attempts to move towards the bowl, take it back up. Do not speak to or look at the dog. Try again putting the bowl to the floor. Repeat until the dog patiently waits until the bowl is on the floor and you have walked away. Repeat this for each meal for two weeks. But you will see results long before then!


Does your dog insist on barging through every doorway or gap before you? Try these two tips... Firstly, when about to open a door, pause, if the dog moves forward towards the door, close it. When the dog turns his attention away from the door, try again to open it. Any time he pushes forward, close the door and repeat. Eventually he will get the point: the only way he will get through the door is to hang back until invited. Secondly, if the dog barges through a narrow gap or open doorway before you, try the body bump. As the dog lunges forward, stick out your knee. Basically, if he is so rude as to enter your personal space, then defend it. A quick body bump will say so much more to your dog than a thousand words or commands could.

Tell us if it worked! We can publish your success story on our website. Email us with your results and a picture of your dog: E-mail See T&C's